Pourover Brewing Method: Kalita

What You’ll Need:

  • 21 grams of your favorite Bellwood Coffee
  • 350 grams hot water (205°F)
  • Kalita Wave 185
  • Kalita Wave filter
  • burr grinder
  • gooseneck kettle
  • gram scale
  • timer


Prep the Kalita:

  • Place the filter in the Kalita and rinse it with hot water. This gets rid of any paper taste and warms everything up. Dump the rinse water.

Add Your Coffee:

  • Grind your coffee through a burr grinder to a medium-fine grind; think sea salt!
  • Pour 21 grams of ground coffee into the filter and give it a little shake to even it out.


  • Start your timer and pour about 50 grams of hot water (just enough to wet all the grounds). Let it sit for 30 seconds—this is called the "bloom." It helps release gasses from the coffee, allowing it to continue brewing properly.
  • At 0:30 seconds, slowly add water in a small, circular motion until you've poured to a total of 250 grams, around the 1:30 mark. Rest for 15 seconds. 
  • At 1:45, pour the rest of the water (to 350 grams) in the same slow, circular motion. Aim to finish pouring by the 2:15 mark

Let It Drip:

  • Once you've poured all the water, just let it drip through. The whole process should end around the 2:30-2:45 mark.
  1. Enjoy!
  • Slow down and savor this one; you’ve earned it! Look for the tasting notes on the bag, and send us any other notes you’re tasting!

Espresso Brewing Method

What You’ll Need:

  • 18.0 grams whole bean coffee from your favorite bag of Bellwood Coffee, preferably at least 7 days off roast*
  • espresso machine
  • espresso grinder
  • bar towel 
  • tamper
  • scale that measures 10ths of grams (for measuring coffee and yield)
  • timer

*super fresh coffee can both be extremely inconsistent and yield punchy metallic flavors, two things that will make your espresso game very frustrating!


1. Prep and Grind:

  • Purge the Machine: Pull a small amount of hot water through your portafilter to ensure that it and the grouphead are clean. Wipe dry your portafilter with your bar towel.
  • Grind the Coffee: Grind 18.0 grams of coffee into your portafilter. Give it a little shake to settle the grounds.
  • Tamp it down firmly and evenly with your tamper. You’ll want a smooth, flat surface to brew with the most consistency!

2. Pull the shot:

  • Lock the portafilter into the machine, place your cup on the scale, and get your timer ready
  • Start your shot and begin your timer. You’re aiming for a 25-30 second pull for the perfect balance of flavor.

3. Watch the Yield:

  • Stop the shot at 36 grams. Volume is more important than time here, but you’re looking for your shot to finish pulling between 25-30 seconds

4. Enjoy!

  • Take a moment to admire the rich crema and aroma. Sip slowly and note the flavors. Look for the tasting notes on the coffee bag, and send us your own notes!

Want to Adjust the Recipe?

If your shot is pulling too slowly, coarsen up the grind. If it’s pulling too quickly, try grinding a bit finer. Make adjustments in small increments, as a micro-adjustment can significantly alter brew times!

Pourover Brewing Method: Chemex

What You’ll Need:

  • 30 grams of your favorite Bellwood Coffee
  • 500 grams hot water (205°F)
  • Chemex Brewer
  • Chemex Filter
  • burr grinder
  • gooseneck kettle
  • gram scale
  • timer


Prep the Chemex:

  • Place the filter in the Chemex and rinse it with hot water. This gets rid of any paper taste and warms the glass up. Dump the rinse water.

Add Your Coffee:

  • Grind your coffee through a burr grinder to a medium grind; think kosher salt!
  • Pour 30 grams of ground coffee into the filter and give it a little shake to even it out.


  • Start your timer and pour about 60 grams of hot water (just enough to wet all the grounds). Let it sit for 30 seconds—this is called the "bloom." It helps release gasses from the coffee, allowing it to continue brewing properly.
  • At 0:30 seconds, slowly add water in a spiraling motion until you've poured to a total of 350 grams, around the 1:45 mark. Rest for 15 seconds.
  • At 2:00, pour the rest of the water (to 500 grams) in the same slow, spiraling motion. Aim to finish pouring by the 2:45 mark

Let It Drip:

  • Once you've poured all the water, just let it drip through. The whole process should end around the 3:15-3:45 mark.
  1. Enjoy!
  • Slow down and take in how the coffee looks in the glass Chemex brewer; you’ve earned this one! Look for the tasting notes on the bag, and send us any other notes you’re tasting!

Automatic Brewer Brewing Method

What You’ll Need:

  • 64 grams of your favorite Bellwood Coffee (roughly 12 Tbsp ground coffee)
  • 1 Liter filtered water
  • automatic brewer
  • coffee filter
  • burr grinder
  • gram scale


Prep the Brewer:

  • Place the filter in its proper compartment and rinse with hot water. This gets rid of any paper taste and warms everything up. Dump the rinse water.

Add Your Coffee:

  • Grind your coffee through a burr grinder to a medium grind; think kosher salt!
  • Pour 64 grams (or 12 Tbsp) of ground coffee into the filter and give it a little shake to even it out.


  • Hit that brew button, switch, lever, or whatever it is that starts your coffee maker! 

Let It Drip:

  • Make sure everything has dripped through before you pull the carafe, to ensure that the coffee tastes balanced like it’s supposed to!
  1. Enjoy!
  • Sip slowly; you’ve earned this one! Look for the tasting notes on the bag, and send us any other notes you’re tasting!